RCR (Responsible Conduct Research)
Fostering a culture and expectation of responsible and ethical conduct of research is a critical component in the advancement of knowledge through research and scholarship. It is also a key element in the maintenance of public trust in the research enterprise. Given that ethical issues emerge when conducting research and scholarship across disciplines of all kinds, UA is committed to providing high quality instruction in responsible conduct of research to the entire campus community.
The Responsible Conduct of Research Program is also designed to provide a flexible means of fulfilling federal training requirements set forth by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).
Please take a moment to learn more about who is required to receive training and how to earn a University of Arizona RCR Certificate. You can also view the schedule of upcoming workshops and the University's Institutional RCR Plan.
For questions, please contact Responsible Conduct of Research Program
- Phone: 520-621-0598
- Email: RDI-Training@email.arizona.edu