Outreach Events

Brain Awareness Week

Each March, Neuroscience GIDP faculty participate, along with graduate students and postdoctoral trainees, in activities designed to stimulate interest in science, and particularly neuroscience, in school-age children and in adults. Hands-on neuroscience activities are mounted in the UA's Flandrau Science Museum, and public lectures are given on recent advances in neuro-related areas. To get more information on this year's events or to volunteer, please contact Jean-Marc Fellous.

More about Brain Awareness Week

National Society for Neuroscience

Local Society for Neuroscience

Tucson Festival of Books: Brainworks Booth

The Brainworks booth is a great opportunity for NSCS students to get out there and tap into the public’s interest in the brain. Stations at the Brainworks booth typically include: a brain zoo (including a human brain!); many sensory stations (taste, temperature and pain, touch and proprioception); prism glasses and mirror boxes to show rapid brain plasticity; physiology stations (EMGs and probing brains for optimal neuronal stimul1); a kid’s table; an audiology station at which there will be testing of sound levels coming out of head-sets; and one on traumatic brain injury.  In addition, there are 4-5 volunteers who are our "roving neuroscientists."  These volunteers are free to move around Science City with their demos and their awesome brain hats and interact with people on the fly.  The roving neuroscientists do fun demonstrations such as illusions, reaction time and multi-tasking, and the jelly bean taste-vs-smell test. We’re also partnering with the Brain Bus to focus on strokes, concussions, and brain images (including a virtual reality demo)!

More about Tucson Festival of Books

More about Science City

Brain Bus

A mobile neuroscience public outreach unit to bring neuroscience to students and the general public all over southern Arizona. The bus is owned by the Center for Neuroscience Foundation, the non-profit arm of a large neuroscience-based medical practice in Tucson. NSCS students Ryan Mammana and Kathryn Chung have been working as interns with Dr. Oland in the process of locating, purchasing, designing, outfitting, and fundraising for the bus. We're now working on developing the "curriculum" for the bus. Stay tuned! There will be lots of volunteer opportunities coming up!

More about Brain Bus

Symbiosis: An Exhibit of Biological Art

Yearly art show sponsored by Nu Rho Psi – Alpha in Arizona.

The purpose of NuRhoPsi

  • is to encourage professional interest and excellence in scholarship, particularly in neuroscience;
  • award recognition to students who have achieved such excellence in scholarship;
  • advance the discipline of neuroscience; encourage intellectual and social interaction between students, faculty, and professionals in neuroscience and related fields;
  • promote career development in neuroscience and related fields;
  • increase public awareness of neuroscience and its benefits for the individual and society; and
  • encourage service to the community.

more about Neuroscience student groups

Arizona Insect Festival

The University of Arizona's Department of Entomology hosts a unique Festival to improve science literacy and increase awareness about the importance of insects. During this free, single-day festival each Fall, thousands of visitors engage in interactive exhibits and discover insect-based research and endeavors taking place at the UA and our broader community!

More about Arizona Insect Festival

Arizona's Science, Engineering and Math Scholars

Arizona's Science, Engineering and Math Scholars (ASEMS) program fosters a culture of inclusive excellence at the University of Arizona by empowering STEM students with the tools necessary to succeed while recognizing their unique backgrounds and assets.

The ASEMS Program relies upon volunteer support to be successful and needs your help. By serving as a mentor or spending a few hours with our students - you can have an impact.

More about ASEMS

UA Science: Sky School

UA Science: Sky School provides immersive, inquiry-based science programs to Arizona K-12 students. Field experiences focus on core University of Arizona science areas such as sky island ecology, earth sciences, dendrochronology, hydrology, and astronomy, and meet Arizona State Science Standards. We integrate topics across the scientific disciplines, while simultaneously building language arts and mathematics skills. All programs include outdoor field instruction in small groups, from a schoolyard to our Mt. Lemmon campus, with UA graduate student scientists serving as instructors and mentors. Students are in charge of designing and carrying out their own scientific inquiry projects, learn astronomy with the use of UA telescopes, and have opportunities to maintain post-trip relationships with UA scientists. Programs also include inclusive team-building exercises and games to promote scientific skills, group cohesiveness and effective collaboration.

More about Sky School