Scott Campbell

Roberts, A., Bill, B., Trinkeller, J., Pearce, Choe, R. C., Alzagatiti, J., Wong, D., Chornak, J., Campbell, C.S., Luy, D., Deutsche, E., Hernandez, S., Glanzman, David L. Rapid habituation of a touch-induced escape response in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) larvae. PloS one, 14(4), e0214374.
Campbell, C. S. (2019). The role of overt visual attention and information processing fluency in false memory formation. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2292190019).
Roberts, A.C., Alzagatiti, J., Luy, D.T., Chornak, J., Richards, R., Zavradyan, G., Baibussinov, A., Razee, A., Osadi, F., Ma, Y., Campbell, C.S., Deutsch, E., Hernandez, S., Carmona, J., Glanzman, D. L. (Accepted). Induction of short-term sensitization with an aversive sensory stimulation in larval zebrafish.
- M.A. Experimental Psychology, California State University Fullerton (2019)
- B.A. Psychology, California State University Fullerton (2017)