Rui Chang

Bioscience Research Labs #413
Dr. Chang is an expert in predictive network modeling and developed several cutting-edge probabilistic network modeling approaches, including the innovative top-down & bottom-up predictive network, which integrates the top-down networks with the novel bottom-up causality inference engine. The top-down & bottom-up predictive network modeling platform integrates multi-omics data to construct complete causal, predictive network model, which supports in-silico phenotypic prediction under various conditions and perturbations to capture network states that are driving disease as well as network state that reflect wellness and healthy, and to discover biomarkers and therapeutic targets to navigate between these states. This platform will afford a fast, cost-efficient and high-throughput in-silico screening, thus providing a way to rapidly prioritize targets for drug discovery programs and biomarkers for prognosis prediction, which offers significant advantages over the other types of approaches being taken today.