Mikaila Ann Bantugan

Bantugan, M., Xian, H., Solomon, V., Lee, M., Fonteh, A., Meuret, C., Li, M., Braskie, M. McIntire, L., Jurin, L., Oberlin, S., Evans, J., Davis, R., Siegmund, K., Mack, W., Abdullah, L., Yassine, H., (2023) “Associations of ApoE4 status and DHA supplementation on plasma and CSF lipid profiles and entorhinal cortex thickness”. Journal of Lipid Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlr.2023.100354
Meuret, C. J., Hu, Y., Smadi, S., Bantugan, M., Xian, H., Martinez, A. E., Krauss, R. M., Ma, Q., Nedelkov, D., Yassine, H., (2023) “An association of CSF apolipoprotein E glycosylation and amyloid-beta 42 in individuals who carry the APOE4 allele”. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. DOI: 10.1186/s13195-023-01239-0
Yassine, H., Cordova, I, Mazmanian, A., Kono, N., Aldana, J., De La Cruz, L., Martinez, J., Contreras, L., Trejos, G., Liu, B., Badie, D., Bantugan, M., Grindon, A., Urich, T., Lee, M., D’Orazio, L., Chui, H., Emanuel, B., Mack, W., Harrington, M., Braskie, M., Schneider, L., (2023) “Baseline findings of PreventE4: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial testing high-dose DHA in APOE4 carriers before the onset of dementia”. The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease. DOI: 10.14283/jpad.2023.77.
Posters & Abstracts
Bantugan, M., Brinton, R.D. (2024). Mitochondrial fragmentation in fibroblasts from Alzheimer’s Disease patients associated with age, biological sex, and APOE genotype. Poster to be presented at Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, IL, USA.
*Kerman, B., Makhlouf, M., Bantugan, M., Lee, J., Meuret, C. Wang, S., Cai, Z., Rosa, J., Tuck, T., TCW, J., Yassine, H. (2023). Mechanisms of reduced Apolipoprotein E4 lipidation in iPSC-derived astrocytes. Presented by *mentor at AAIC 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
*Ma, Q., Li, J., Bantugan, M., Sanchez, A., Sun, Y., Wang, S., Kerman, B., Hurth, K., Hawes, D., Bennett, D.A.,Arvanitakis, Z., Yassine, H. (2023). Activation of neuroinflammation mediated by cPLA2 in gliosomes extracted from postmortem brain. Poster presented by *mentor at the 2023 Southern California Alzheimer’s Disease Centers Research Symposium in Irvine, California.
- B.S. Neuroscience - University of California, Los Angeles