Erik Larsen
Data Scientist, Analyst, Tampa Bay Rays
Using RNA-sequencing, in vitro calcium imaging, and proteomics, to investigate novel axon degeneration mediator, TMEM184B
Dissertation Advisor
Martha Bhattacharya

Research Summary
I study TMEM184B, a novel mediator of axon degeneration.
I am trying to determine this orphan 7-pass transmembrane protein's function(s) and how this/these (1) dictate itch deficiencies we've shown TMEM184B-mutant mice to have (paper in review), and (2) inform axon degeneration.
Petit C, Kim Y, Lee SK, et al. Reduction of Feedback Inhibition in Homoserine Kinase (ThrB) of Corynebacterium glutamicum Enhances l-Threonine Biosynthesis. ACS Omega. 2018;3(1):1178‐1186. doi:10.1021/acsomega.7b01597
- B.S. Biology
- CSU Stanislaus, 2014
Research Interests
I enjoy studying neurodegeneration. I like leveraging systems-biology approaches to guide cellular and molecular hypotheses for biochemical validation.