Beth Wiese

Research Summary
I am an up-and-coming doctoral candidate in Dr Tally Largent-Milnes’ and Dr Todd Vanderah’s labs. My interests have long focused on work to curb the opioid epidemic. Through outreach volunteering beginning during my undergraduate degree at the University of Missouri – St Louis and lab work during my time at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis to my studies at the UArizona, I have a well-rounded understanding of the problems faced by individuals suffering from opioid use disorders and the mechanistic underpinnings of opioid and cannabinoid pharmacology via bench research. I focus my efforts on the investigation of opioid/cannabinoid interactions using cannabinoids as a viable strategy to help individuals reduce harms associated with opioid use to facilitate an end to the growing number of opioid fatalities.
Wiese BM, Liktor-Busa E, Levine A, Couture SA, Nikas SP, Ji L, Liu Y, Mackie K, Makriyannis A, Largent-Milnes TM, Vanderah TW (2020) Cannabinoid-2 agonism with AM2301 mitigates morphine-induced respiratory depression, Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.
Liktor-Busa, E., Blawn, K. T., Kellohen, K. L., Wiese, B. M., Verkhovsky, V., Wahl, J., Vivek, A., Palomino, S. M., Davis, T. P., Vanderah, T. W., & Largent-Milnes, T. M. (2020). Functional NHE1 expression is critical to blood brain barrier integrity and sumatriptan blood to brain uptake. PloS one, 15(5), e0227463.
Wiese BM. and W.-P. A. R. (2018). "Emerging Evidence for Cannabis' Role in Opioid Use Disorder." Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 3(1): 179-189.
Other Info
When I am not volunteering or working in the lab, I enjoy spending time with my rescue pup, Myelin, doing yoga, tending to my plants, cooking, hiking, and stargazing, which Tucson is especially well suited for with its warm weather, abundance of trails, and light ordinance.
- Masters in Behavioral Neuroscience
- Bachelors in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy and a certificate in Neuroscience