Joao Carvalho De Souza


Office: Arizona Health Sciences Center, Rm. 4401

My research interest focuses on 1) improving optocapacitance as a technique to photostimulate genetically unmodified neurons, in vivo and in vitro, through a specific mechanism involving the usage of light-to-heat transducers (e.g. gold nanoparticles) for a final change in membrane capacitance as a depolarizing strategy, 2) studying the canonical and non-canonical mechanisms of molecular and functional coupling between the voltage sensor and the ionic conductance module of voltage gated ion channels and 3) studying the influence of the glycocalyx on cells (neurons and myocytes) excitability

Research Interests

Improving optocapacitance as a technique to photostimulate genetically unmodified neurons, by changing their membrane capacitance, in vivo and in vitro